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You have no idea the emotions and gratitude and FREENESS I feel being away from my home state. I truly believe I am finally safe and no longer have to FIGHT for my life! I still have nightmares but I know I’m going to make it through this.

I read today in Mathew when the disciples were on a boat and the storm came and Peter called to Jesus after he spoke and Jesus had him come to him off the boat through the water. Peter had courage but then looked at the stormy waters and became afraid and started to sink. Jesus reached out and saved him. He said to him “you with little faith, why did you give way to doubt?”

I have to remind my self daily sometimes multiple times that I will make it through these stormy waters as long as I stay focused on my Creator and Lord Christ Jesus! 


Resident FM


Thank you for believing in me and investing in me. 


Resident CK


After a few days at the shelter, my husband agreed to move out of the house so that my children and I could move back in, and he promised to get help with his anger. Y’all don’t know even those few days have been a huge blessing. You guys are amazing. Y’all truly are angels!!!!


Resident TD


Thank you very much. Seriously I cannot believe I’m finally getting stable for my kids here in Texas. It has been a tough road. But we are doing it!

Not only do I feel so safe but I have changed so much I’m so many ways. 


Resident FM


I would like to thank everyone who has shined their light on Restoration Place. You truly have been a blessing for my baby and myself. I finally can see a light at the end of the tunnel for a future. Before I came here, I had been beaten, was homeless, and pregnant. I came to Stephenville on a bus to be near the father of my baby. Things did not turn out as I had hoped. I ended up living in a hotel, riding a bicycle to work. When I was at the end of my rope, someone gave me the number for Restoration Advocates and I made the call.

When I sit and think of what to say there are no words, just elements of emotion. I definitely look forward to giving back to help flourish this foundation. Thank you again for all you are doing. I’m going to be proof you have made all the difference.

I have never been loved like I have here.


Resident SW

I would like to take a moment to give thanks to Restoration Advocates for their support, love and unwavering patience with me and every woman/child they help. Words can not describe my gratitude and appreciation for this wonderful place I called home for 6 months. They loved me even when I couldn't love myself and stood in the gap while I was lost. I know I didn't make it very easy at times but you all kept loving me through it anyway.

My situation was as violent as they come. Coupled with my mental health issues, I will testify that Restoration Advocates (and their many volunteers) must have the patience of Job. When I got to this shelter I literally had the clothes on my back. Through the tireless efforts of these amazing women I am reunited with my family. I am stronger in my faith and my walk with God. I am stronger because y'all loved me and I am so very blessed for each and every RA volunteer.


Resident SF

I am so very thankful for all the help and support for helping me and my children. Advocates has helped me in so many ways to create a healthy environment. The home was so peaceful especially after what we as victims as abuse have been through. Please continue to spread the light to many women as you have helped me so much. I appreciate your help and dedication to me and my children. You have made it possible to be able to get my own place and help me get on my feet.


Resident CM

I need y’all to know that I am so appreciative and so grateful for all of your support, for all of your help and providing a safe place for me to rest, heal, and work on ME. I love and appreciate you so much and I wouldn’t be here today without Restoration Advocates. THANK YOU.


Resident ER

I feel relaxed for the first time in a long time. I have been stressed all the time, trying not to make him mad, always afraid. Here I feel safe. I know here I have a support system. I am not afraid and my daughter is happy, too.


Resident KM

I am a 35 year old mother to a 15 month old baby girl. My circumstances that led me to Restoration Advocates was not unordinary, however, it is not typical either. I moved from South Africa to Texas USA pursuing a relationship. It was not an easy move by any means, to leave my family and friends behind. It was a huge leap of faith. The relationship I moved here for, obviously, is not working out. My now still husband is an emotionally abusive man, with severe mental health problems that include hallucinations of people and objects that aren’t there, and violent outbursts at random times. I tried to leave several times, but each time he thru my suitcase out or made nice promises. Then we had a child, and because I do not know anyone here in the USA due to isolation, I had no choice but to stay with him. Cross Timbers Family Services took me in, the first time, when my husband tried to kill himself with his hunting gun. He made sweet promises again, that he would get help, but little attention was given to the promises after I returned to him.


When I finally knew I had to leave, Cross Timbers Family Services referred me to Restoration Advocates so that me and my baby would have a safe place to stay.


When CTFS said “shelter” I thought we were going to have to live in a shack and that my baby and I would have to sleep in a shack on a fold up cot. I did not want to lose my daughter nor did I want to go back to him, so I took my chances with the shack and cot.


When I arrived at the Restoration Advocates’ shelter, it was not what I expected at all!  It was so warm and welcoming, and I felt and knew, me and my daughter would be safe here.  Now, whenever I come ‘home’, I feel happiness. I feel family around me.  Restoration Advocates support me physically, mentally, and morally. I now have people who guide me and who I can relate with and who I can share with and visa versa.  And we support one another emotionally. And we remind each other to not be weak. To stand strong and not go back. Restoration advocates help us so much. I have nothing but gratitude for everyone helping me along the way through my struggles. I am down a road I never thought I would see. With my perseverance and the help of Restoration Advocates, my baby and I are now safe and happy!!


Thank you!

Resident CM

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Stephenville, TX  76401


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